By George Orwell
adapted for the stage by Michael Gene Sullivan
"Vivid, unsettling... a masterwork of novelistic concision."
"Sullivan does an exemplary job of distilling "1984's" political essence... to communicate the pointed richness of Orwell's thought... The Actors' Gang production "1984" knows how to clear a path for its trenchant, and still sadly undated, critique."
"Sullivan has resolved the challenges of Orwell’s novel by setting the entire play in one austere space... A dark room - deprived of all technical aspects, and without technological gadgets - but sufficient to recreate the atmosphere of mystery, anxiety, and the fear of the unknown, omnipresent, veiled oppressor."
L'APUNTADOR (Barcelona)
"Stunning!" "Tripleplusgood!" "Incontestably superior to the 2017 Broadway production! Comfort food it isn’t, but if you’re up for stronger fare, make haste to check it out."
"This Michael Gene Sullivan adaptation of George Orwell's classic 1984 is multi-layered, intense and disturbing - exactly how it should be."
For more information. about 1984 click HERE
Available now from Playscripts.com

script by Michael Gene Sullivan
Adapted from "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens
Musical Direction and additional lyrics by Daniel Savio
"People always think this story is about you,” Bob Cratchit tells Scrooge.
“But it ain’t about you, it’s about us - and how we let ourselves get infected with your ideas, your greed, your lies, its you steppin’ over the hungry and homeless and us following your lead, it’s us lettin’ you turn our government into a casino, listenin’ while you say day after day that profit is the new god, and us not standin’ up and shouting "NO!"'
“It ain’t about you," Cratchit says. "It’s about us.”
"Playwright/director Michael Gene Sullivan explores Dickens' timeless Christmas parable of secular redemption as a radical essay in the novelist's lifelong campaign for social reform, with excellent tuneful support from musical director Daniel Savio's three-piece band (plus Velina Brown). An edifying and very engaging take on a Yuletide classic.”
“It all works. It always works. The reason is Michael Gene Sullivan, who wrote and directed this production. The shows are so damned smart. They know exactly what they’re doing and nobody does it better."
★ ★ ★ BANG
“A welcome addition to the A Christmas Carol’s adaptations.”
“(A) wonderfully acted and directed experience.”
“A fierce critic of poverty and social stratifications, (Dickens’) views are at the forefront of A Christmas Carol and perfectly aligned with director Michael Gene Sullivan and the Mime Troupe’s mission.”
"We love the Mime Troupe. Merry Red Christmas to all and to all a good night."

American Dreams
Script by Michael Gene Sullivan
Music and Lyrics by Daniel Savio
The American Dream. It used to mean a job, a house, a car, a spouse, 2.5 kids, and a .4 dog. But what does it mean now? For Gabriel Pearce, a Black man tired of liberal failures, on the day after the presidential election it means victory! Giving up on progressivism wasn’t easy, but casting his vote for a Conservative who promises to be grateful could mean a dream come true. However, for his daughter Paine - a teacher at a university caught between protesting students and threats to funding - it’s a nightmare!
Or was the lost election just a dream?
Will A.I. catch fire, like Paine’s boyfriend Oliver sees in his nightmares? Do androids dream of electronic voting?
Or can we create the utopian future of justice activist student Emma hopes for, or is the present just a dream within a dream within a dream?
But whether you’re asleep or Woke what some see as nightmares others see as…The American Dream.
“Hooray! The San Francisco Mime Troupe is back! And they are just in time with a topical show about our current political mess… the new musical sizzles with humor, insights, and warnings of impending political disaster. They deliver hilarious and cutting satire that engages our brains.”
“American Dreams ” doesn’t shy away from sensitive topics, providing a thought-provoking and funny commentary on the challenging issues we are facing today.”
"One of the great delights in each SFMT production is that no matter how sure you are that you are on the right side of history, there will be something to shake you up, and rightly so."
"It's altogether enough to rouse the most complacent among us. The Mime Troupe's agenda is never subtle, but this company wears its heart on its raggle-taggle sleeve, and you gotta love 'em for it."
“Let SF Mime Troupe’s American Dreams serve as a waking vision of the nightmare a Trump return would bring. We can’t predict what’ll happen the morning after the election, but American Dreams presents an entertaining reason to keep fighting the good fight.”
48 Hills

The Unheard Songs of Betty Reid Soskin
Script by Michael Gene Sullivan
Music and Lyrics by Betty Reid Soskin
Additional Music by Daniel Savio
Arrangements by Angie Doctor
How do you chronicle 102 years of life?
Flood survivor, racial integrator, World War II defense worker, business owner, activist, revolutionary, songwriter, and… park ranger? Bay Area icon Betty Reid Soskin has survived it all.
"A terrific production brimming with insightful wisdom."
"The play itself is nearly flawless."
“Sullivan’s dialogue is smart but not showy, thoughtfully considered and frequently very funny."
"Richly conceived, cleverly staged, deftly written, and beautifully performed...Sullivan’s musical conjures four Betty Reid Soskins: Little Betty, Married Betty, Revolutionary Betty, and Betty, today. As decades fly by, each responds to overt racism and sexism in her own way…Sullivan gives Betty brilliant speeches that reveal her special talents—to speak Truth to Power, to use reason to fight entrenched racism."
"There are times when seeing a live, theatre production is nothing short of a blessed event in one’s life – a time when a story and its telling is so profound that one knows that the moments in that arena with those actors will never be forgotten."
"Such was my feeling after witnessing the near one hundred years of Betty Reid Soskin’s life pass before us in SFBATCO’s captivating, uplifting, and energizing world premiere of Sign My Name to Freedom by Michael Gene Sullivan (book). Peppered with songs written by Soskin during her lifetime, Sign My Name to Freedom is a joyful and eye-opening testament not only to the incredible, wide-range personal and political accomplishments of one woman of mixed Creole and Black heritage but also to a history too long untold of the struggles, the injustices against, and the sheer courage and determination to survive and succeed of so many others like her.”
For more information about Sign My Name To Freedom click here.

The Great Khan
by Michael Gene Sullivan
The Great Khan is either a comedy with dramatic overtones or a drama with lots of comedy about two working-class, Black American teenagers – Jaden and Antoinette – who are struggling with the same issue: how to grow up Black in a country that treats them like criminals-in-training at best or a runaway slave at worst, a country that sees them as either precocious perpetrators or pieces of meat.
Wouldn’t it be easier to just fulfill the nation’s stereotypical view of them?
Then Genghis Khan shows up.
“Michael Gene Sullivan has certainly entertained the audience with this amazing new play, but The Great Khan is far more than entertainment. It's a view of history and culture and humanity that would be incredibly important at any point in time, but is especially important now, as we continue to struggle to excise the racism that is deep in the bones of American culture.”
“In Michael Gene Sullivan’s new comedy about three teenagers, their teacher, a mother and, yes, the Mongolian emperor Genghis Khan, the laughs come quickly … it’s funny, and it deals with a serious social issue.”
“San Diego Rep’s whip-smart ‘Great Khan’ up-ends racial stereotypes with biting humor.”
“Funny, fast-paced and crackling comedy.”
“Michael Gene Sullivan is both playwright and champion of his characters. His scripts don’t merely tell stories, they fight for their characters’ right to be seen and heard beyond first glimpses and knee-jerk assumptions.”
“The Great Khan is a play about race, but that’s not all. This is a play about gender, but that’s not all, either. This is a play about power, victimization, survival, misunderstanding, and that slow fade that happens when no one else recognizes what is happening to us as kids… Yes, at face this is a marvelous piece of theater reminding us we all have childhood negative events and wounds to address. But this work is also a masterpiece demonstrating how those traumatized often seek out unusual ways to cope (to say the least), how that coping is misunderstood, how this can happen in ways that impact individuals, families, entire populations, entire generations.”
“A sleeping giant of a production on every level, this The Great Khan is not only about race, gender, power, inerrancy of history, social justice, and something that happened at school, it IS school…”
For more info about The Great Khan click HERE

script by Michael Gene Sullivan
Adapted from "A Christmas Carol" by Charles DIckens
"Sullivan takes the cherished nostalgia of charitable gift-giving and confronts capitalism without conscience by focusing on the left's principles of worker rights, union organization and enlightened employers. Infusing Dicken's with sentiments more closely aligned with Eugene V. Debs and Joe Hill, A Red Carol is a delight for the anti-Trump culture that divides America down the middle."

Script by Michael Gene Sullivan and Marie Cartier
Music and Lyrics by Daniel Savio
For most of the citizens of increasingly intolerant San Francisco a young woman like Yume living on the streets seems “crazy,” but maybe she’s just ahead of the curve. Unbalanced? Unhinged? Nuts? In a country that has clearly lost its mind what do any of those words mean anymore? As her social worker Saidia tries to navigate the Kafkaesque labyrinth of bureaucracy Yume is on her own quest to regain what she feels has been taken from her…
But up-and-coming FOX News commentator Marcia Stone has no problem with being at the vanguard of driving the nation around the bend. It’s her key to getting a nightly slot on the network, and if she can give her viewers a focus for their fear, a hellhole of depravity and failed policies so much the better! And where better than the filthy, dangerous streets of San Francisco to illustrate for her bosses and audience the depths to which the progressives have dragged us? If only she could find a person on those streets… someone to personify America’s…Breakdown!
"The acclaimed Mime Troupe covers the plight of the poor with serious comedy and witty songs, leaving little room for complacency.”
"We all need to see “Breakdown.” The Mime Troupe speaks hard truths with accomplished singers, great songs, and a superb group of musicians."

Back to the Way Things Were
Script by Michael Gene Sullivan, and Marie Cartier
Music and Lyrics by Daniel Savio
In a country where we can finally stop wearing masks to get pizza and go to the movies, and where we again have a president who isn’t dumb as a two dollar ham, hard- working, middle-aged liberals Ralph and Alice wistfully yearn for The before Times, when things seemed normal. But for Zoe - their twenty-something daughter who grew up in a world of climate change, housing crashes, student debt, the rise of dictatorships and the fall of democracies - there is no “better” to go back to. For her the purgatory of the last two years was just a pause from life in Hell. So what’s the point? Isn’t it easier to just give up? If only her new, socially inept, maybe crazy, conspiracy-theorist friend wasn’t so intent on saving the world! Why are they so convinced Zoe is the one to do it? Why do they need Zoe’s help? What kinda name is “Book”? And what even is a portal gun?
“Hilarious Political Satire.”
“Political satire at its best.”
“Laugh-out-loud telling of the dystopian reality we are living in right now.”
Speak Out Now
“The Mime Troupe’s comedy reflects our miserable reality. They hit it out of the park with their powerful progressive comedy.”
“They're back with a bang. Funny, dangerous, silly, revealing and hopeful, sort of, in a Eugene V. Debs rides the Mad Hatter's Teacups kind of way, this is what the Mime Troupe always does so well.”
SF Theatre Blog

Tales of the Resistance
(10 play radio series)
Script by Michael Gene Sullivan, with Ellen Callas and Margie Cartier
Music and Lyrics by Daniel Savio
Can the revolution be social distanced? With revolution in the streets while were all supposed to shelter in place, the economy on its heels while so many cannot work, with statues coming down, heroes wearing masks, and democracy crumbling, what is the Mime Troupe doing?
The San Francisco Mime Troupe presents "Tales of the Resistance," an original radio serial featuring 9 parts in four distinct genres.
"The play, in its skewering of America’s social ills—racism, corporate greed, the plight of the working class—is so funny, and so well acted by the Troupe, that it comes to life even without visuals and minus the appreciative laughter of a sun-soaked audience."
SF Examiner

Tales of the Resistance Volume 2: Persistence
(5 play radio series)
Script by Michael Gene Sullivan, with Ellen Callas, Marie Cartier

Treasure Island
Script by Michael Gene Sullivan, Ellen Callas, Marie Cartier
Music and Lyrics by Daniel Savio
"In Michael Gene Sullivanʼs clever adaptation of Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, the San Francisco Mime Troupe lives up to their reputation as a hallmark of progressive political theater. In their 60th year, the fabulous Mime Troupe boldly takes on the S.F. housing crisis with humor and style."

Script by Michael Gene Sullivan
Lyrics by Piero Infante, Music by Michael Bello
Nominated - Outstanding Original Musical, Theatre Bay Area Awards
How can a nation of immigrants declare war on immigration?
The answer: FEAR!
L. Mary Jones knows all about fear. As a top agent for I.C.E. - Immigration and Customs Enforcement - she knows how to stoke fear to keep her country safe. Fear of people like Bahdoon Samakab , a Somali refugee escaping oppression, fear of Cliodhna Aghabullogue, an Irish woman yearning to be American, and fear of Zaniyah Nahuatl, whose family comes from... here. As a foreigner in a land her people have worked for thousands of years suddenly Zaniyah is a criminal, an illegal, a "bad hombre." What part of herself will this American give up to pass as "American?" Will she? Can she? Should she? Can someone leave part of themselves behind without losing their mind? And is it better or worse that she crossed the border to find Agent L. Mary Jones - the woman she loves?
"... with Sullivan's wit, and the talents of this excellent cast under Edris Cooper-Anifowoshe's fast-paced direction, the Mime Troupe strikes just the right balance between comedy and - for too many in this country of immigrants - tragedy."
San Francisco Examiner

Script by Michael Gene Sullivan, Eugenie Chan.
Music and Lyrics by Ira Marlowe
Education. It's like the weather: everyone has an opinion but nobody does anything about it. That's how Livina Jones feels about her son Tom's new school, Eleanor Roosevelt High. With its old textbooks, crumbling classrooms, and racist treatment of kids just like hers Livina believes Roosevelt is exactly the sort of school that can benefit from a little free-market common sense. The nanny-state government has failed to see students as individuals, and failed to give them the real-world skills they'll need to get ahead. So who says it isn't time for some big money, for-profit schooling?
Ethel Orocuru, for one. She's the long serving history/civics/American government/basketball coach at Eleanor Roosevelt, and she's willing to fight for her version of education as long as her reconstructed hips will allow. But is she fighting for a system that can be fixed, or is she just too blind by her past to see how times have left her and her school behind? And when an efficiency expert, Mr. Babbit, is assigned to improve her class is it a sign that Ethel is behind the times, or a sign of something more sinister? And with privatization on the line, and a Wall Street heavy hitter lined up to fold the entire district into his conglomerate, suddenly the next School Board election is more about a hidden agenda than the open curriculum. And when did the hall monitors start wearing brown shirts and arm bands?
"Sharp satire, teaching the important lesson that when you put voracious corporate interests in charge of education, what they teach is only whatever most benefits voracious corporate interests, illustrated in the school's speedy transformation into a kind of totalitarian training camp. At the same time, the play morphs into a parody of the 2016 presidential election..."
Marin Independent

Script by Michael Gene Sullivan,
Music and Lyrics by Ira Marlowe
Nominated - Outstanding Original Musical, Theatre Bay Area Awards
A door blown off its hinges, and into a blasted room of scarred walls and shattered windows, armed with M-16's, America's bravest duck and dodge for cover, finally training their deadly gunsights on... an old black man watching TV on his couch? This isn't Baghdad or Kandahar - it's home, and for ex-Black Panther Malcolm Haywood it's just another wrong door police raid in the War on Drugs. So of course Malcolm is horrified when the grandson he's tried to protect, Nathaniel, returns from serving in Afghanistan only to find another war zone at home - and one where young Black men like Nathaniel are in the crosshairs. Is it safer to re-up and fight overseas than to try to survive here at home, in Freedomland?
"While there is plenty of its famous, biting humor, there is also a serious undercurrent throughout this year's offering... Freedomland is a rallying call for citizen oversight and action. Once again, the San Francisco Mime Troupe has produced an action-initiating play that deserves to be seen far and wide."
Talkin' Broadway

by Michael Gene Sullivan
Winner - Israel Baren Playwriting Award.
The Morning Glory Baking Circle seems like a harmless enough group of women bakers of retirment age... until they reveal the rest of their title, "for Revolutionary Self-Defense!" They may appear innoffensive, but they are as dedicated to making pies, cakes, muffins, and cobbler as they are to overthrowing the fasicst corporatocracy of America... with a "K!" But when they invite a young Black reporter to their rebel headquarters to divulge their latest plan to for socialist revolution the last thing they expect is that she might be an F.B.I. mole, sent to infiltrate and destroy them. Or is she? Are they just paranoid old nuts, or has the government really taken notice of them?
"Part farce, part satire, even part mystery, but make no mistake: The political agenda of this seemingly dotty quartet is no joke. Funny, and alarming."
Script by Michael Gene Sullivan, Eugenie Chan, Tanya Shaffer
Music and Lyrics by Ira Marlowe
Skyrocketing rents. Loss of diversity. Certain workers welcomed like saviors, while other workers discarded like trash. The War on the Poor. And San Francisco - the capital of the Revolution - becoming the center of corporate surveillance technology.
What is The City coming to?
Veteran of the Revolution Deborah Johnson thinks she knows. So does immigrant-turned-super patriot Sunny Nguyen. And so does Silicon Valley's newest star, small-town transplant Jeanine Adenauer. And each has reason to despise the other. So how do they end up together in a tour boat in the middle of San Francisco Bay? Each one has a story to tell; a broken dream that brought them to this moment, and a past that divides them from the others. But can the old commie, the tech newbie, and the flag-waving beautician find common ground ashore, or will they all sink under the waves?
"Brightly written, laugh-laden... one of the most enjoyable Mime Troupe shows in recent memory."
San Francisco Chronicle.

For The Greater Good
Script by Michael Gene Sullivan
Music and Lyrics by Pat Moran
Pity the poor one per cent! Abused in that sliver of press they don't own, condemned in the streets by a rabble to who don't appreciate the benefits of being trickled down on, raked over the coals by the few politicians who aren't lined up to kiss their wealthy, powerful butts. Talk about an oppressed minority! "For the Greater Good" is a melodramatic tale that should warm the hearts of every billionaire - if they have one. Based on the classic "The Poor of New York" it ironically turns the story on its head, telling it from the point of view of the misunderstood Godzill-ionaires who have made this country what it is today: broke.
"Scathing satire of a culture that lionizes the rich...There's no denying the riotous sense of empowerment in this tribute to our democracy, in all its frailties. Political musical satire has rarely been so infectiously patriotic."
San Jose Mercury News

Script by Michael Gene Sullivan
Music and Lyrics by Pat Moran and Bruce Barthol
A small political theater company, Theater BAM!, finds itself at a crossroads: should they keep telling the stories they feel can change the world (and starve while telling them), or feed at the corporate trough, sell out, and be the mouthpiece for The Man. Tough decision. But before having to make it, they are offered an artistic commission that may save the company; all they have to do is create a new play, "2012 - The Musical!" But is it political? Will it keep with the company's original mission? And who's really bankrolling the production?
"A lively satire about corporate funding and the art of mass distraction, and holds up in 85 fast-paced minutes the SFMT tradition of "Power to the People" sensibilities."
San Francisco Bay Times

Script by Michael Gene Sullivan, Music and Lyrics by Pat Moran
Nominated - Best Original Musical, Bay Area Theatre Critics Circle
A U.S. factory is shutting down. On the final day of work, a pregnant employee, suddenly overtaken with labor pains, sits down on the job. Interpreting this as an act of defiance, The Boss calls security. The situation escalates and before anyone has a chance to think, the Workers have accidentally occupied the Factory!
"...a brilliant work, combining tragedy and humor to make a very pointed argument for thinking outside the box on the state of Labor and jobs today."
The Huffington Post

Script by Michael Gene Sullivan
Music and Lyrics by Pat Moran
"A story, a story!" cries the Griot. "Gather 'round, and I will tell you a tale of greed, and sacrifice, high finance, love, goats, and the terrible curse that tore our little village apart.. the evil, magical spell of... Credit!"
Told in the style of a musical African folktale, Too Big To Fail is a story of demons and witches, heroes and villains, and how a single village - that could be a town, city, or nation - is almost destroyed the by insatiable hunger of Capitalists that are willing to sacrifice friends, family, democracy itself in the name of Profit, the only thing they feel is... too big to fail.
"It's all as entertaining as it is didactic. Sullivan is disarmingly open about his intentions, but he also doesn't pretend to have all the answers. He's more intent on getting us to question the fundamentals of a system dependent on citizens 'living and dying in debt.'"
San Francisco Chronicle

Script by Michael Gene Sullivan
Music and Lyrics by Pat Moran
Nominated - Best Original Musical, Bay Area Theatre Critics Circle
The Heartland - apple pie, general stores, hard work. But in Bluebird, Kansas, apple pie has been replaced with government cheese, general stores have made way for pawn shops, and hard work on the job has become the hard work of survival. But what if a small town in a Red State found itself at the forefront of a political fight? That's what happens when, due to an Electoral College tie, the entire Presidential Election comes down to the one district, Bluebird, that didn't report any results. And that's when it occurs to some of the citizens of Bluebird, with the world waiting for a result, that perhaps they might get some long overdue government money if they don't re-vote right away... Can one little town hold an entire nation's election hostage?
"Reclaiming red from the dusty color wheel of history, Michael Gene Sullivan's smart and consistantly funny script - brilliantly delivered by a uniformly sharp and charismatic cast - posits FDR's small town America as marooned at Francis Fukuyama's end of history."
San Francisco Bay Guardian

Script by Michael Gene Sullivan
Music and Lyrics by Pat Moran
Two army newspaper reporters are assigned to write a puff piece on the construction of an American funded hospital in Iraq. But as the facts unravel, it soon becomes clear that there's corruption, death, music and mayhem lurking behind this benevolent seeming humanitarian project. Back in Washington, Dick and Condi are manipulating intelligence and in Iraq, a cabal of military-industrial-Neo-Con colluders will stop at nothing to hide the truth.
"Part savagely acute political satire, part living newspaper, and all broad, tuneful and timely musical comedy, "Killing" is the Mime Troupe's most direct grapple yet with the war in Iraq. It's very funny and equally politically engaged."
San Francisco Chronicle

Script by Michael Gene Sullivan
Music and Lyrics by Bruce Barthol, Pat Moran
Imagine a nation where religious fervor runs hot, and faith rhetoric runs hotter. Where belief has replaced reason, and where Liberty and Justice play a broken second fiddle to an all powerful, omniscient and omnipresent military-industrial God complex.
As the televangelizing head of the J.C.L.U. (Jesus Christ Loves U!) Ministries Rev. C.B. De Love would like nothing better than to bring the nation to the Lord, and the nation's money to him. If only it weren't for that pesky First Amendment in the Constitution. And it's also the nation where Angela Franklin finds herself. She works hard, and some would say too vocally, to remind people of the true power of secular democracy, and the freedom of the Enlightenment. But in her struggle to stop the coming Theocracy will she go too far? In her zeal to destroy the opiate of the masses will she make a religion out of her anti-religion, and join the ranks of the Gangsters for God? Or will she see the folly of blind faith in anything - even the Constitution - and return to Reason?
"More than one sacred cow drips with figurative meringue before this subversive bust-up reaches its rousing conclusion. 'Godfellas' goes on a ruthless topical tear that seldom slackens."
Los Angeles Times

Showdown in Crawford Gulch
Script by Michael gene Sullivan
Music and Lyrics by Amos Glick and Ira Marlowe
It's 1886, it's Texas, and a rust red sun rises on the sleep frontier town of Crawford Gulch, where the citizens live harmoiously... until they are whipped up to a panic after what appears to be an attack on a stage coach by the Commanche! Now good folks are in daily terror of this Red menace, and turning on each other as they question who's loyal and who's liberal. It sems only the questionably elected mayor and the strangely terrified sheriff can protect them, while a mysterious robber baron stands in the shadows, waiting to acquire this last patch of prairie. For its protection...

Veronique of the Mounties
Script by Michael Gene Sullivan, Bruce Barthol, Music by Jason Sherbundy, Lyrics by Bruce Barthol
Veronique of the Mounties finds the US government deeply engaged in its imperialistic quest to save the people of the world from themselves. After bringing "democracy" to Iraq, Syria, and France, the US turns its gaze to the terrorist threat on its northern border, CANADA. Fiction follows fiction until only one thing can protect America (and launch the Cheney/Rice run for the White House in 2008), Operation Frozen Freedom!
Meanwhile, as the Canadians mobilize to fight off invasion, Royal Canadian Mounted Policewoman Veronique Du Bois is given a dangerous mission: to journey into the heart of American darkness and recover the object that may stop the US military's insane rush to the Great White North.
"This satire hits everything from the erosion of civil liberties to the rape of the environment, political cronyism, privatization of public services and, of course, George W. Bush."
San Francisco Chronicle

Mr Smith Goes to Obscuristan
Script by Josh Kornbluth and Michael Gene Sullivan
Music by Jason Sherbundy, Lyrics by Bruce Barthol
The President of the United States has a problem: his well-earned reputation of using the War on Terrorism to advance corporate interests is getting in the way of his actual foreign policy - advancing corporate interests. The Administration needs to convince the world that it puts democracy before profits, and it needs an unimportant place to use as an example. So, when the President-For-Life of the tiny country of Obscuristan announces first time ever elections, the US sends 9-11 fireman hero Jeff Smith as its official Election Observer. Smith, a true believer in America as a beacon of freedom in a dark world, vows to help Obscuristan achieve American-style democracy. And when a reformist leader announces his intention to challenge for the Obscuristani presidency, it proves to Smith the enduring strength of democracy. That is, until oil is discovered in Obscuristan.
"Beyond the jokes, a thoughtful tracing of the distinction betweenhonest post-9/11 patriotism and good old American jingoism, self-interest, and hypocrisy."

1600 Transylvania Avenue
Script by Michael Gene Sullivan
Music by Jason Sherbundy, Lyrics by Bruce Barthol
Prowling the fog shrouded streets of our nation's capital - where zombies of past administrations rise from their graves to kill social services, and undead servants of darkness vote in the Senate - there is a new horror: Succubus Incorporatus... The legendary Corporate Bloodsucker! Freed from its constitutional chains it has reached the Principal of Power, ready to feed on the whole country. And the undead heart of this evil beats at... 1600 Transylvania Avenue!
"With interesting story twists and turns, it's a thoughtful and timely moral fable about economic compromise - about getting one's principles bought out."
The Berkely Daily Planet

Did Anyone Ever Tell You - You Look Like Huey P. Newton?
Written and performed by Michael Gene Sullivan
So what do you do when you find out that your hero, the icon of the Left, is just a human, with all the faults and more, like any other person? Does it invalidate the Movement? Does it mean that everything your parents taught you was wrong? Was the country that chased you through the streets and killed all of your heroes right all along? Or can you listen to the message, and let the messenger be human?
So this show is a true comic drama of the search for an answer. A one person, multi-character history of my life, the Sixties, and the stories all these people were compelled to tell me. Because I look like Huey.
Winner - Upstage/Downstage Award for Best Solo Flight 2000
Nominated - Best Solo Performance nomination from the Bay Area Critics Circle.

Eating it
Script by Michael Gene Sullivan, Bruce Barthol, and Ellen Callas.
Music by Jason Sherbundy and Bruce Barthol, Lyrics by Bruce Barthol
Protagonists Synthia and Isaac Albright are genetic engineers, and creators of Super Corn, a genetically enhanced vegetable. The patent on Super Corn has made them famous and garnered them the full support of a corporation "BobCo". Now Synthia is working on an even more powerful seed, one she hopes will end world hunger, and Isaac knows will make them wealthy. The new seed seems to offer an extraordinary opportunity for good and enormous profit, but before it is to be released at the World Food Conference, Synthia is having second thoughts about its impact on the environment. With protestors in the streets, the President preparing to become "the man who fed the world," and the CEO from BobCo controlling events for his economic advantage, a mysterious Old Man arrives desperate to stop Synthia from releasing Super Corn. Is he some Luddite nut? Or is he really from the future where the world has been ravaged by mutant plants, genetic contamination, and reduced to a barren wasteland? Will Synthia believe him? And why does he look so much like Isaac?
"Timely, funny, and provocative."
San Francisco Chronicle